Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A to Z Challenge 2015: A and Battle of the Bands April Fool's Edition

It is a Blog Hopping double helping at my blog today. Today marks the first day of the A to Z Challenge.

I am doing the Battle of the Bands because this is what I would do on any first of the month. I like the blog hop. My blog isn't changing for the A to Z challenge. What you see during the challenge is just how my blog goes.

Since more readers may be popping in it is probably even more important for me to explain what is going on and who else has battles!

Regular rules, listen to the song clips in the blog post. In the comment section vote for the one you like the best. Feel free to explain why you voted the way you did. The battles take place on the first and 15th and winners will be announced on the 7th and 21st. I will normally post the winner in the comments. Of course have fun and enjoy!

The below list is edited to welcome some new battles and unfortunately some battles have taken a break. If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:

Tossing it Out


 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands


 'Curious as a Cathy'

DC Relief Battle of the Bands

A to Z visitors please check out my friends above, they post some pretty neat stuff! 

Today is April 1st sometimes referred to as April Fools Day! April starts with A so it fits with the A to Z: Challenge. 

 J.R. BaileyRudy Clark and Ken Williams wrote a song called "Everybody Plays the Fool."  I of course play the fool everyday. I don't have the original song but the contestants will be the first top 40 version of the song and the hit version which I was first introduced to his song. There is a 19 year gap between the two songs.

Contestant One: The Main Ingredient 

Contestant Two: Aaron Neville 

Aaron also starts with an A as well keeping with the A to Z Theme of A.

You vote by leaving your vote in the comments. Thanks so much for visiting my foolish blog! Happy April Fools Day to all and I will see you Thursday with a post dealing with B!

My post will say March 31, but it really is April 1, 2015 and after midnight, So here it goes..


  1. Nice job of thematically connecting A to Z with BOTB.

    This is a tough match. The original brought back sweet memories and it was nice hearing it again.

    I've always been an Aaron Neville fan--he has such a beautiful voice. He doesn't change the song up too much more than other than punch it up, add some very nice instrumental back-ground, and take the vocals a step up to a higher level.

    For me it's definitely Aaron's version.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  2. This is the first I am coming across in the blog-o-sphere. Unique theme. Good luck for A to Z

  3. Good job with linking both of your posts together. My vote goes to Aaron Neville. :)

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremp’s Troops - A to Z Co-co-host
    Write with Fey

  4. I'm definitely partial to Aaron Neville's version since it brings back memories. So Aaron it is!

  5. Hi Mike, that's a novel theme. Glad to be here.


  6. Good BATTLE, tough choice. I think I'm gonna go with Aaron Neville Today.

  7. Yeah, I know The Main Ingredient had the big hit with this song, and it's OK. But Aaron Neville has such a strong, soulful voice, that he gets my vote.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  8. Hey Mike,
    Nice match up. A funky little song, isn't it?
    The Main Ingredient did a great job, but Aaron and his little Jamaican jam had me moving!
    My vote goes to Aaron - another "A" for the day!

  9. Yikes, this is a hard one. Primarily because I'm not a fan of the song. I think it was on some tape that I had to listen to over and over and over again (background music at work). So, I'll go with the 2nd as the 1st was what I heard over and over and over again.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  10. Absolutely awesome BoTB showdown and A2Z combo. Fabulous song choice for the 1st of April. I like both versions of this song ~ very close. The vocals are what separates the two. Liking contestant 1 over 2 is really a matter of the mood I'm in this morning, I think because I really like them both. That being said, my vote is going to The Main Ingredient. Too bad I can't split my vote. :D

  11. My vote is for Aaron--cool video. Gail

  12. I vote for The Main Ingredient! I just love the original and the beat is slightly different from the 2nd one which I prefer. I like the "whistle" in the first one also

  13. These are both good, but Aaron Neville gets my vote today. What a voice!

  14. Aaron Neville wins this won 8 to 2!

  15. I'm not overly surprised by this outcome as Aaron Neville has an amazing voice and that version was not to far off from the original. I've got a Battle with Aaron as one of the artists sometime in the future.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote
