Friday, April 3, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Catfish

My post is a little late. My daughter did not have school today and I was off from my day(evening/night) job. So, I took my daughter out to one of my favorite bayous where I was having some luck of late to try and catch her a fish.

A view from the Bayou..

Luck wasn't on our side at the bayou. However that was fishing wise. Sharing a picnic lunch with my daughter, seeing an Osprey, turtles and spending quality time of course makes me very lucky. I made the call to go to the catfish farm about an hour drive from where we were..

The drive was through the countryside so we had plenty of rivers to cross and plenty of horse farms. My daughter loves animals so seeing horses was a small bonus,

When we reached our destination we were joined by another fishing enthusiast.


That is a Bald Eagle.

Now the mission was for my daughter to catch a fish and she did!

She ended up catching a 19" catfish, which she reminded me is an inch bigger than my big catch of the day. However, it was worth this smile..

After all that is what fishing is all about, the big smile!  I was going to get a picture of her holding it which she tried but did not have success. Now I am enjoying a big catfish feast! I will be back with a post related to D.


  1. She's a beautiful girl. Her fish is almost bigger than she is. ;-)

  2. How awesome! She did really well, as that is a great catch! We had catfish last night for supper. Yum, yum! And fresh caught is always the best!

  3. Your daughter's smile is the biggest catch of the day, but don't tell HER that! :)
