Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A to Z Challenge Eve

 It is that time of year again. It is the A to Z Challenge.

I have participated in this challenge for a few years now. I haven't been blogging everyday lately so this year will be even more a challenge. I don't plan my blog out in advance. I'm not going to pick a theme out in advance. My April Challenge should be a wild ride and I hope you will join me.

If you follow..

The challenge is great for gaining new followers. I don't have a huge number but during the challenge I generally pick up a few more. If you follow me that is wonderful! I do ask that you comment on a post and let me know you are following me! That way it makes it easier for me to follow you. I do follow back!

Feel free to comment...

Comments are always welcome! It helps show me who has visited. I try to return visits. It also makes the blog more interesting.

Join the fun...

Come on and join the fun! I think you can still sign up! Go check out the webpage if you are interested. If you are participating let me know so I can come and visit. I look forword to all the interesting posts that will pop up in my feed.

Battle of the Bands

I am for now planning to continue to participate in the Battle of the Bands during the month of April. I will try to connect them with the latter of the day somehow. I like themes during the Battle of the Bands and this month I won't have to pick one.

Visit New Blogs

I know I won't get to visit every blogger who is participating. I think the list is over 1400 or something crazy.  I hope to visit some blogs that are new to me. I know I will be visiting quite a few of my followers. If you are participating I wish you the best of luck. Like always thanks for visiting!


  1. Good deal, Mike! I'm already following you with BOTB and my other two blogs. Feel free to drop over during April. My posts are super short... first time with A-Z for me!

  2. I've got my BOTB posts tied in with my other April stuff. Gotta do my BOTB posts!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  3. Glad to find out about you. The BOTB are entertaining.
