Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9.11 Patriot's Day

It is hard to believe it has been 11 years since the 9.11 attacks in New York City, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. It is a day that I will always remember. Yes, it did effect me. I had co-workers who volunteered to help at the Pentagon,  and I will always remember the smell the next morning. Thankfully, I didn't know anyone who died on that day but I am sure the degree of separation isn't that much.

Last year I wrote about the day after and you can read that blog here. In 2010 I offered this reflection on that day. More reflections from 2009.  2008 I offered this reflection. My first post on the subject I posted in 2007. I never mean to repeat myself and I apologize if some of those posts same to be a bit repetitive. It is important to remember history so it does not repeat it self.

Today it is a beautiful day, much like it was eleven years ago with crystal blue sky. I think this morning it was a bit chillier. The day is almost a complete repeat of 2001 weather wise. Like 2001 I am sitting at home waiting to go to an appointment. In 2011 I was waiting to go car shopping. It is strange how the weather can repeat and even how lives can repeat. So it is important we remember and try to prevent another tragedy from happening.

To the emergency crews and fire departments who responded I thank you. To those crews everywhere thank you. You respond to emergencies everyday and we don't say thank you nearly enough. To those who lost love ones I share your sorrow. I know I don't feel your loss and pain. However, I do offer thoughts and prayers.

Here is a remembrance I pulled from YouTube...

9.11.2001 May we never forget...

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