Friday, August 10, 2012

Dog Days of Summer: Favorite Summer Activity

Cool another blog fest! I am participating in the Dog Days of Summer Blog Fest and I plan to post one each day of the Fest since there are three topics. The first one is Describe Your Favorite Summer Activity thus far..

Hmm..a lot of what I do I do year round. The top of the list is being a dad. So, I guess my favorite activity so far was being able to take my daughter fishing. She turned five in April so she was at that age where I could safely take her fishing without worrying about her snagging herself with the hooks. I snagged myself so I guess there isn't a really safe time for that.

Here is her first fish:

Obviously I like the concerts in the amphitheaters, however I am lucky enough to see concerts pretty much year round. Though this summer has been pretty cool with concerts, I've been so busy with them I decided not to pursue to many festivals. Being the cool Dad I am I brought my daughter to her first real non festival show..

I also am scheduled to take her to a concert per her request, a popular kid's band so stay tuned I will post about that concert later this month. Tomorrow's post will be about what activities I plan to do before summer is over...


  1. What a cool dad you are! Your daughter is so cute. Congrats to her on her first fish.

  2. How cool. She doesn't look like a happy camper in that first picture. lol. Sounds like you are having a great summer. =)

  3. It's a rite of passage to teach your daughter how to fish, isn't it? My husband did the same with our daughter when she was very young. She still loves to go fishing with him now.

    That's a great first fish.

  4. Wolf Trap! I saw my first non-classical concert ever there: Smokey Robinson. I was 15.

    Great post.

  5. Your daughter is beautiful. We have a number of pictures of my children's first books.

  6. So cute! And what fun you guys are having. :)

  7. Love the first fish catch!
