Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Dog Days of Summer Blog Fest: Plans

Okay I am more of a spur of the moment kind of guy. But here are my plans for the rest of the summer..

Saturday, I am going to a benefit blues concert, cook out, pool party, moon bounce kind of shin dig. It is local and for a little girl who was born several weeks early and developed cerebral palsy. You can read her story here. If you are led to help out I am sure her family would appreciate it.

Monday, I am reviewing the Joe Walsh concert..yes life has been good to me so far...

Then I am scheduled to review a couple more shows before the end of the month. I would like to go fishing a few more times, do something with the family, and maybe a zoo trip.In between I will write a few articles, blog a bit, and hopefully find a new day job.

Stay tuned I will be back with the ultimate vacation post on Sunday to wrap up the Dog Days of Summer Blog Fest.


  1. Great plans! We wanted to do a zoo trip, but it's been so hot here. We might do it in September instead.

  2. Ah, summer concerts :) How I miss those. Enjoy, and thanks for sharing! Oh, also good luck with that new day job.

  3. I have a zoo trip on my list, too, but we may do a water park instead. It's no fun when the animals are too hot to move :-)

    Happy Dog Days! Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  4. You must enjoy a lot of concerts then. Ever seen TSO?

  5. Concerts. Joe Walsh is too cool. Wonder if he has really ever lost his license? lol

    Fishing. The last time I went was in the China Sea. I was skunked but the boat operator (I surely wouldn't call him a Captain as there was no motor) caught 6.

    The zoo. My fave has always been the world famous san Diego Zoo, but Cincinnati has a cool one as well.

    Enjoy your vacation! Sounds like you'll squeeze a few other things in there as well.


  6. Your concert reviews sound fantastic. A zoo trip? Those are the best! My favorite was the National Zoo in D.C. Enjoy the weekend. Great to meet you in the Dog Days.
    A2Z Mommy and What’s In Between

  7. Zoo trips are a lot of fun in the summer!
