Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympics: USA Vs Japan Women's soccer

The USA Women's soccer team won the Gold Medal today by beating Japan 2-1. Winning provided the team a little revenge for losing the World Cup last summer to Japan. I am glad it was another good match between the two teams. I am also impressed the teams attracted over 80,000 for the game. I think it was great day for the sport overall. You can read a recap here.

I don't know why the sport struggles to sustain itself in the pro levels in the USA. The girls have had success on the International scene and they create a brief buzz. Maybe it is just that soccer as a whole struggles here. However, the girls have skills and I am all for women in sports. Especially if it is something they excel at and is something entertaining to watch. Maybe one day..

Here are some Olympic highlights...

some more..

Well be back soon

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