Friday, March 1, 2024

Battle of the Bands: Girl from the North Country

 Been a while. Strange correlation I blog more when there is a subtraction in my life. This blog appears to be doing okay without me being here. Anyway, Bob Dylan has provided many a song to cover. One of my favorite Dylan tunes is "Girl from the North Country."

Bob's version...

Contender One: Pete Townsend

Contender Two: Passenger

Tell me who you like in the comments, and I will celebrate the winner in a week or so (try not to make it 10-months)


  1. Welcome back!

    I much preferred Pete Townshend's cover of this song. I liked his voice better as well as the arrangement.

  2. I don't remember this song at all, but I like Pete Townsend's version better. It's the vocals. Welcome back! ☺

  3. VOTE = Pete Townshend.
    I liked the musical style of the Passenger version, but the singer's voice put me off a little.

  4. Pete Townsend is my pick. He's even above Bob Dylan for me. Nice to see you back

  5. Hokey-Smoke! MIKE, you're back? I'll immediately reactivate your blog link in my list of BOTB participants. (Then I'm going to bed. All this snow & wind has got me down, and I'm just gonna try to sleep through it all. Maybe get outta bed in a week or so.)

    Wish I could bust up this shutout but I agree with the others. I actually liked the guitar sound in the Passenger recording, and I could have seen myself voting for it... had there been a different singer.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Hi, Mike! This is one I don't remember hearing before. That's odd since Dylan has always been pretty popular around here. Townsend doesn't cut it for me, so I'm going with Passenger though I wish we had yet another choice ;-) Welcome back!

  7. Thought you were gone from here on out, but it's nice to see you again.

    Both versions were fine but the one by Passenger resonated with me more. I give my vote to them.

