Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Battle of the Bands: Mr Blue Sky

 Spring begins later this month. That reason helped me with picking ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky" as the song for this month's Battle of the Bands.

Above is the original for reference. The battle works by me selecting two (sometimes more) covers. You my readers tell me which one you liked the best (or hated least) in the comments. Then I count the votes and post a winner in a week or so. (Sometimes I take my sweet time on that post.)  

Contender One: Pomplamoose

                                                       Contender Two: Weezer


There you have it! Let me know which cover you like best. Thanks for visiting may your day be filled with Blue Skies!



  1. Mike,

    I did a Mr. Blue Sky BOTB in January 2020 and I even used your first artist choice, so it'll come as no surprise who gets my vote. I liked Weezer's cover and it seems a little closer to ELO than Pomplamoose but still I prefer POMPLAMOOSE and am giving them my vote. :)

    Whenever you get a chance, please hop over to vote in my current BOTB, my friend!

  2. Interesting that we did Battles with song with such similar titles. I guess a lot of us are feeling a blue influence of late.

    Weezer does a fine job with the song, but Pompalamousse gives the song an added dimension of happiness and brightness.

    I vote for Pomplamoose.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Hey, MIKE, I really liked the theme upon which you based this Battle! Here where I live, in Willoughberry, Nevada, the weather has suddenly taken a quick and dramatic turn toward the warmer. Just a couple days ago, there was snow and ice on what my Brother and I use for a Wiffle Ball field. Then yesterday it was nearly 70 degrees here. (Woo-Hoo! No more playing Wiffle Ball in the cold!)

    I liked both of these covers but Weezer did the song a bit too much like the original to suit me. I've always said, if you're going to play someone else's song, you need to make it your own in some way.

    I REALLY liked POOMPLAMOOSE (whoever they are). I enjoyed their rendition and they seemed like they'd be fun to party with (if they could keep up with my badass 62-year-old self). I mean, I think you're pretty much OBLIGATED to vote for a band with a unicorn in it! Now if only pomplaMOOSE could get Bullwinkle to join the band!

    ~ D-FensDogG

  4. I liked both of these, maybe not as much as the original, but damn c.lose to it. Of the two, I really enjoyed Pomplamoose the best. Give them my vote.

  5. I love this ELO song but I love ELO. Listening to both, I have to give it to the 2nd band. I didn't care much for the gal singing this song. The second band did a great version of this song so they get my vote
