Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Congratulations to the The Los Angeles Rams

 The Los Angeles Rams defeated the Cincinatti Bengals 23-20 on Sunday to become the Super Bowl Champions.  This year the Super Bowl delivered a close, entertaining game. The game was packed with potential story lines no matter which team one.

The way the game came out the hometown team won the Super Bowl once again this year. Last year the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won in Tampa, this year the Rams won in Los Angeles. Quarterback Matthew Stafford finally won a Super Bowl in his twelfth year in the NFL. The Rams won their first Super Bowl as a team in Los Angeles. It was also the organizations first Super Bowl Championship since 2000 when they were the St Louis Rams. 

Highlights from the Big Game...

Congratulations to the Los Angeles Rams!

1 comment:

  1. Even though I live in L.A. I don't really care. Not a football fan. But it was great to see the massive resistance to the illogical mask mandates. Sad to see the worst halftime show I've seen yet.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
