Thursday, May 6, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: Reflections

Well my topic was on reptiles, I tried to mix up a bit.

The posts ended up breaking down like this:

One was in general

One crocodile

Two on a Tortoise

Five on Turtles

Seven lizards

Ten snakes (only three venomous and one of them was semi-venomous)

I wanted to visit 300 pages (which means leaving comments). I fell short I came up with 250. I am planning to do the roadtrip so that number could grow. 

This bearded dragon thought my lap was comfy unfortunately I had already posted about Bearded Dragons.

Reflections on the A to Z the best part is interaction with others. Sad is the bloggers who have come on gone for various reasons.

I didn't have a huge A to Z "hit" post. Yes my page views were up for the month of April but with 32 posts for the month that would be expected. Past years posts also get some love during this time. 

Personally I as a blogger wanted to blog about something different. Sure, I have blogged about reptiles before but not to this extent. Plus certain topics can get your blog a label. This on just balances out the blogosphere.


  1. You picked a good topic and I enjoyed your posts. Congratulations, and we'll see you next year!

  2. I thought your posts and theme excellent and interesting.
    Well done on completing and I have made a new friend into the bargain.


  3. Excellent topic and posts Mike. Congrats on completeing the Challenge. One more friend for me.


  4. Is that alive? A live bearded dragon on your lap? I'm not sure how I missed this in the beginning but will have to come back when I have more time. (After the month of May and possibly June) ... but will be back I promise.

    Have a great day!

  5. Crackerberries! Yes it is alive. Now that would be a neat A to Z theme animals I am holding A to Z. Don't think I could afford it.
