Saturday, May 1, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Jazz Me Blues

 Back to my regular scheduled programing. In case you missed my Battles in April I did 50's rock and then rock covers of Lady Gaga. I think maybe I should take a time out from the Battle of the Bands in April if I am doing the A to Z Challenge. I don't know. The Battle of the Bands is past it's peak. 

Don't get me wrong it is still fun! I didn't think the second Battle in April would be a big one so I chose something I thought would be fun for me. On April's first battle I don't think I voted on anyone's Battles. To those who had Battles I apologize. I'm still finding Battles, I am still doing them mostly in the traditional format and it is still fun! I get to mix up the genres. Obvious I have some favorites. However, I get to explore deeper. Maybe I get to explore a genre I don't know well, or an era, or I know so and so did this song but where did it come from. So, to all of you who have stuck around thank you! To any newcomers thank you I hope you come back. Also this a bloghop feel free to jump in! 

Well there is a reason this blog is called Mike's Ramblings just look at the first two paragraphs as example one. Anyone I started the year with Stairway, some Skynyrd, and a Jackson Browne  tune. Then I jumped through a guitar heavy, jazz standard funk. The jazz I found was received as well as the others. So today I am going back to jazz.

The way it works I choose a song. I play an original version or a well known version. Then I have two more contenders. The covers if you will. My readers tell me in the comments which ones they liked best. I count them up and announce a winner usually a week later or so. Songs are shorter than my ramblings this time!

Today's song "Jazz Me Blues" by first recorded by Lucille Hegamin composed by Tom Delaney She is described as a blues singer. 

Bonus question: Is this blues or jazz?  It is considered a jazz standard but it was sung by someone considered a blues singer. Is it both? Is it a blurred line kind of thing? 

Contender One: Original Dixieland Jazz Band

(I believe the first instrumental version of the tune)

Contender Two: Les Paul

Two very different covers. 30 years difference in time 1921 to 1951. Both very good at what they do. Time to vote!


  1. Glad you're keeping up with BOTB so we can at least maintain a presence. I might drop out for summer this year, but I've still got to decide on that.

    I'd call this music jazz which of course has some blues roots. The music gets kind of intermingled as the genres collide, merge, and grow.

    I do enjoy hearing the music of Les Paul, but in this case the sound of the Dixieland band gets more to the spirit of the music.

    I vote for Original Dixieland Jazz Band.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I would say this is more jazz in style even though she often sang the blues. Listening to both after the original I hand it over to the first contender even though it is an old recording, I prefer it over the Hawaiian influence on by Les Paul.

  3. MIKE ~

    I likes me some of that olde-tyme Jazz, so I'll cast my vote for the Original Dixieland Jazz Band.

    Les Paul was obviously one of the all-time greatest guitarists and amongst the most influential ever, but this wasn't one my favorite recordings by him.

    And I agree with what Arlee said... I would classify this as Jazz but one can definitely hear the Blues roots from which it grew.

    Good Battle, Mike!

    ~ Stephen
    D-FensDogG of the
    Loyal American Underground

  4. Mike,

    You're right both covers are not only different but very good. I think I'm going to give my vote LES PAUL. This version just tickled my ears just right. :)
