Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Farewell Mary Ann

 Dawn Wells passed away on December 30, 2021. She was best known for her role as Mary Ann Summers in the 60s sitcom Gilligan's Island

A clip from that show...

She was a beauty queen being named Miss Nevada in 1959.  She appeared in several shows before and after her years on the island. However nothing came close to the success, fame, or number of episodes that her role of being lost on the island would bring.  

She was a sex symbol too as "Mary Ann or Ginger" was a question many men pondered. 

She will be missed by her fans, friends and family may she rest in peace.


  1. I was shocked about her death because I thought she would outlive Tiny "holy scary face" Louise. Dawn Wells seemed like such a nice person and her final years were not very kind to her health wise.

  2. A truly beautiful lady and as sweet as she was pretty.
