Friday, January 1, 2021

Battle of the Bands: These Days

 Happy New Year! I made it through December and 2020. I'm still doing the Battle of the Bands, Still doing it the old fashioned way and I'm still finding songs. I found this song probably in 2019, I may have heard it before but it stuck around with me.

                                                  The song is "These Days" written by Jackson Browne

The rules are simple, I pick a song in this case "These Days,"  then I select a couple of covers. You listen to the covers and tell me which one you like the best in the comments. I count out the votes and post a winner in a week or so in a new post.

Contestant One: Nico

Contestant Two: Gregg Allman

I hope you enjoyed the battle and I will see you again soon!



  1. Good battle! Greg Allman gets my vote.

    I'm back in the battles this month. Stop by and have a listen. Cast a vote :)

    January Battle of the Bands



    Like Mary did, I too am going to cast my vote for GREG. Nico was alright, but her voice sounded a bit peculiar to me. I couldn't quite get into it.

    I hope 2021 is good to you, Brother.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Mike,

    This is a new song to my ears. I'm breaking rank and am giving my vote to Nico. There's something interesting about her version that captured my mood this evening, maybe it's the mellow 60s vibe. Have a good evening and Happy New Year, my friend!

  4. I did not like Nico..her voice I found irritating after a while so my vote goes to Greg Allman
