Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Battle of the Bands: Road Runner

Beep! Beep! I am back for another Battle of the Band. Last time it was "Coyote" so this time Roadrunner.
                                            Theme music..

Bo Diddley "Roadrunner: is the song for today...

The Rolling Stones "Road Runner"

The Pretty Things " Road Runner"

A lot of Looney Tunes going on! You know the deal vote for the Stones or The Pretty Things in the comments and I will count up the votes before 2020.


  1. It's the Pretty Things for me. Better production I think, but both versions are pretty comparable so I'm going with the underdog as I perceive this contest. I didn't discover the music of The Pretty Things until relatively recently and after that discovery I went out and bought a few of their CD's. Excellent group.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Clever idea to follow 'Coyote' with 'Roadrunner', MIKE!

    This is kind of tough because they're both very stylistically similar. I listened to both songs twice. After the first listening of each, I was leaning toward The Pretty Things because the sound was better (The Stones sounded like they recorded in an empty airplane hangar!) and they added some little guitar touches.

    But after listening to each song a second time, I realized that despite the poor sound quality in The Stones' version, The Stones definitely sounded more rhythmically fluid and more solid on their instruments. So I'll go with Mick & Company.

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

  3. Mike,

    Although, I liked the Stones better than I thought I would I'm still giving my vote to Pretty Things because overall I prefer their style better.

  4. The way I see it, you had the Rolling Stones trying to sound like Bo Diddley, and the Pretty Things trying to sound like the Stones trying to sound like Bo Diddley. I'll go with the Stones here.

  5. I have to go with Bo Diddley because he made it his own. The Stones sounded a bit bored and pretty Things was good at first and then they seemed to get carried away.
