Sunday, December 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands Results: Jaco, Joni, a shutout, Coyote and no roadrunner!

On my last Battle of the Bands I tried to tip my cap to the late Jaco Pastorius.

                                            "The Chicken"

People don't cover bass players enough to work them into these battles. So I went with a song from Joni's jazz catalog. Glen Hansard may have been the bigger name but my readers liked Bailen better! Bailen won 7 to 0 with her version of "Coyote."  My next Battle will probably be Roadrunner! Might as will get some Looney Tunes in here. 

Bailen "I Was Wrong"

Well I will be back soon with my next Battle of the Bands later today. I am not doing the Christmas thing on my blog this year so if you want a break from the Holiday Music come visit!

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