Monday, July 1, 2019

Battle of the Bands: The First Cut is The Deepest in a Sort of Cat Fight

Kicking off the Battle of the Bands for July with a song written by Cat Stevens called "The First Cut is The Deepest."  Sometimes when two woman fight it is called a cat fight. Well How about P.P. Arnold duking it out with Sheryl Crow? Plus the song was written by a guy named Cat.

Cat Stevens "The First Cut is the Deepest"

Alright the voting will be for the contenders. Tell me which one you liked best in the comments.

Contender One: P.P. Arnold

Contender Two: Sheryl Crow



  1. Not a favorite song from an artist who is definitely not a favorite. I thought "Cat" was a pretty dumb name for a guy and then he went from dumb to dumber.

    I like the instrumental arrangement in P P's version, but I prefer Sheryl's voice and style.

    Give my vote to Sheryl Crow.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. It's hands down Sheryl Crow for me! Meow!

  3. After listening to both, the one that stayed with me was PP Arnold, so I'm going with her.

  4. MIKE ~

    I *REALLY* wanted to like P.P. (pee-pee?!) Arnold's version better, just because something about Sheryl Crow really rubs me the wrong way. (Let's face it, Sheryl Crow is just Diana Krall with a guitar instead of a piano.) But unfortunately, I did not at all like the arrangement in the Arnold version, nor did I care for her voice. I think she could probably be a pretty good singer, but I hear a lot of rough edges and vocal meandering that could do with some professional training.

    So, by default, I reluctantly vote for The Ol' Crow.

    ~ D-FensDogG
