Saturday, June 22, 2019

A to Z: Looking Back at April's Challenge

Probably too late for a reflections post on April's A to Z Challenge. I will just call it looking back. My theme was about my Mom. I never really came out and say why. My Mom had been battling cancer for some time. She was a fighter and she did win some battles. However, cancer is relentless.

Around my birthday she was diagnosed as Stage Four cancer and given six months to live.  That turmed out to be about 3.5 months. A nurse providing in house hospice  gave my Mom about four days to live earlier this month. Those four days ended up being eight hours and she had passed away.

In early May I told my Mom I used her in my theme for the A to Z Challenge. I hope she read a few posts. It was meant or at least an attempt to be a tribute to someone before they passed away. 


  1. Your A to Z theme was a great tribute to your mother. My mother was my biggest blog fan--she read nearly every day until she passed in 2014.


  2. Sorry to hear of your loss, Mike. I enjoyed your A to Z tribute posts and I'm sure your mother did as well.


  3. I am so sorry. That was a very good theme. It may be too late for the reflections post sign up, but I think you can reflect upon April any time you wish. It's not like there are rules for blogging, at least not ones that are encoded in stone.

  4. I bet your mom was humbled, surprised, overjoyed and grateful in writing about your mom for the A to Z challenge. It doesn’t matter how old we are but when we lose our moms, we just feel like our guts were punched in. She sounded like a terrific mom and you must treasure every moment like I do since I lost my mom a year and a half ago. We are now orphans which sucks but, in time, the pain dulls...but I still wish my mom would come to me in my dreams. My heart goes out to you and, when you can, it would be nice to find out what music she loved and, if you can and want to, share it here.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Mike. There's nothing worse than losing a parent.

    All my blogging has slowed down considerably since my own mom's dementia has caused her to be placed in a facility. Closing up all the things that make her life HER life was so hard and she is basically still here...but not here. Those relationships cut so affects everything.

    {{{BIG HUG AND LOVE}}}
