Tuesday, June 4, 2019

R.I.P Roky Erickson

Roky Erickson was a singer songwriter best known for his work with The Thirteenth Floor Elevators. I used perhaps the best known song from the catalog on my recent Battle of the Bands post. There is still time to vote on that.

I thought I would share more of his music and do a more proper tribute.

                                              "Cold Night for Alligators"

"Slip Inside This House" from The Thirteenth Floor Elevators days...


Back to solo stuff "If you have Ghosts"

"Goodbye Sweet Dreams"

May he rest in peace!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard about this. He was a unique songwriter who created some excellent recordings. Too bad that his life was so waylaid by the state of Texas and their archaic drug laws. It's actually a real tragedy.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
