Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blogging from A to Z: Independent Woman

My Mom is an independent, determined, strong woman. When she was about my age she had a new to her Jeep Wrangler and she set off for an epic adventure..

She wasn't big on going off road, instead her Jeep adventure was driving across country coast to coast and back alone! Highlights included Death Valley.

Most of the trip she camped out in various campgrounds. Needless to say she saw a great portion of the country.


  1. Good. You thought of your mother and her independent travel. Today, I am visiting A to Z blogs. Today my blog post had 126 page views so far which I consider as a good first day performance.
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  2. That is so cool that your mom decided to just jump in her jeep and travel. I could have seen my mom do that in her younger days but my mom owned a motorcycle when she was living in Germany
