Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A to Z Challenge: Hotel is not their House

 Opening up my post with the song "A House is not a Motel" from Love.  My daughter thought my parents lived in a hotel for the longest time when she was little.

My parents have a nice house five blocks from the ocean.  When we were living farther away my parents like any Grandparents I have ever met, wanted to see their Grandchild. When they visited my parents would stay in a hotel. My daughter came to associate the hotel as the place my parents lived.

My parents were so glad when my daughter was able to visit them at their house so they could prove they don't live in a hotel.


  1. I actually think that is really cute! Your A-to-Z is looking good, Mike.

    Thanks, and best wishes!
    Cherdo on the Flipside
    Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge

  2. Hahahaa...that's funny and I bet she had a great time with them especially since they live near the ocean
