Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday's Music Moves Me: How Music Educates Us

I open this week's Monday's Music Moves Me with Pink Floyds "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2."  This week's theme being How Music Educates Us as March is Music in Our Schools Month.

"We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Hey Teachers leave them kids alone"

We do need education, Perhaps we don't need thought control, dark sarcasm, and some teachers do need to leave those kids alone. Music teaches discipline, provides a creative outlet, and provides another way students can find self confidence. It can be woven into other studies math, science, and theater. However if we aren't careful we are going to lose music in our schools(and other arts).

Over the weekend I saw two musicals performed by two different high schools. I was pleasantly surprised by the talent. One of the musicals was Godspell, Here is a clip from Ramsey High School in Purchase, New York.

Yes music in schools brings culture to the community.

Some kids are full of musical talent like "Taz"
"My Revival"

Look him up, I have seen him live and the kid has talent

Brandon "Taz" Neiderauer.

Music can inspire! So let's keep it in the schools.


  1. We certainly don't need mind control or dark sarcasm! Cool choices. Unfortunately, I didn't know the theme had been changed when I did mine.

  2. Mike,

    Mewsic is a good thing in schools and out. We certainly don't need ill-acting teachers in schools undermining and squashing a young child's dreams and confidence. When I was in school there were dissatisfied teachers, sometimes even a bit grouchy behaving toward the kids but nothing compared to what I've seen in recent years. These individuals need to find another career choice. "Another Brick in the Wall" is a popular pick this week but I never tire of it and I remember the fun singing that in school. I secretly hoped it drove the teachers a bit crazy and I'm sure it did. I appreciated very much the introduction of this young lad, Taz. He's super talented and I can see him doing well in the mewsic industry. I'm going to check him out on YT a bit later. Thanks for joining the 4M gang, my friend. Have a boogietastic week! ;)

  3. Brandon Taz Niederauer is FANTASTIC. Husband and I both listened, and considering what he played was also an original composition. Thank you for the intro. I see he is playing at Bethel Woods (maybe 90 minutes from where I live) in June. I should make a note. You educated me! As for music in school - as with many of us, some teachers are good, some are terrible and it's too bad when the luck of the drawer gives you one so bad you dread going to her class (yes still have memories of that one). But she wasn't a music teacher, at least.

  4. Awesome choices as always, Mike! :) I was going to choose Another Brick in the Wall, but figured it would be well shared. ;) Thanks for the dance!
