Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Battle of the Bands Results: Please put the guitars down

Chet Atkins was a big influence on Tommy Emmanuel. Atkins was impressed with Tommy's talent.  Tommy was on Chet's final album. Chet named him a Certified Guitar Player along with four other guitarists. This battle was between two great guitarists who would probably be happy with whoever won.

The results were close as one would expect. Tommy won 5 to 3.


"Stevie's Blues

"Tall Fidler"

Well I hope you enjoyed and I will have a new battle on the 15th!


  1. He's doing a lot more flatpicking than he used to. Used to be he saved the flatpick for electric...

  2. Not a bad outcome for someone going up against a venerated musician such as Atkins.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. That was a mighty good battle, Mike.
