Monday, October 1, 2018

Battle of the Bands: I Can't Quit You, Baby!

Welcome to my Battle of the Bands battle for Rocktober 1st! I am picking a blues tune by Otis Rush who passed away over the weekend. The song was written by Willie Dixon.

In case you need a reference here is the original...

I will pit two bands against one another. You vote for which version you like best in the comments and I count the votes and announce a winner. 

The Rolling Stones

Led Zeppelin

A nice way to pay respects to an influential bluesman and kick off Rocktober in style with two of the biggest Rock and Roll Bands of all time. 



  1. I actually like both of these, but like the fuller sound that the Stones bring it. I just wish Mick had played more harp on it. A vote for the Rolling Stones and RIP to a great bluesman, who for all the time I spent going to clubs in Chicago I never heard live.

  2. Led Zep's version is among my least favorites of their recordings, but I like the Stones' version even less. So by default my vote goes to Led Zeppelin.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. HiYa, MIKE!

    Naturally, I'd be voting for Otis if I were allowed to. But between my two options, I'll go with Zeppelin. I believe that the Rolling Stones really respected and supported the older American Bluesmen, while Led Zeppelin merely ripped them off. Nevertheless, basing my voting purely on the music, I didn't care for Mick Jagger's manic singing on this and preferred Zeppelin's deeper, more pounding approach.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  4. Ha! I got caught up in listening to these tracks, that I completely forgot that I was to vote. I'm voting for the Stones today. This is a great battle!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  5. I have to say I love Led Zeppelin catching the blues vibe and the great way he sang this along with the guitar playing so they get my vote over the Stones

  6. Hey, Mike! This is a fantastic tune and I agree with McCarthy - I'd be all in for Otis, R.I.P.

    I'm more fond of the Stones on this one, however. Maybe showing my age. I knew it would happen eventually...

    Great battle, buddy!

  7. Mike,

    I'm so glad you stopped by to vote because I totally forgot to check back after hitting the dance floor with you on Monday to see if you'd share a BoTB. Yes, I'm boogieing around in circles with the 4M gang licking their wounds. :)

    I had no clue how I'd vote in this round after I saw your battling artists. I felt purrty certain that I wouldn't give it to the Stones as most of their songs I'm not crazy about. While I enjoyed the vocals of Led Zeppelin the screamin' guitars this early in the morning blew me into the next county. I'm having to walk back home now as I respond with my comment. lol To my surprise Mike Jagger's vocals were by far more bluesy and their mewsic arrangement purrrfectly suited the vibes of Otis' song. So, give my vote to none other than the legendary band....The Rolling Stones!

    Have a groovy not a bluesy weekend, my friend!
