Saturday, September 1, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Through Your Hands

A new month, a new Battle of the Bands and even a new song. The song I am picking today comes from one of my favorite songwriters, John Hiatt.

                                              "Through Your Hands"

                                               Contender One: Don Henley


                                               Contender Two: David Crosby

A great song, two high profile singers I think I did my job on this Battle. Now I need you to decide the winner with your vote in the comments. I will count up the votes and announce the winner before the next battle. I hope you enjoy the song!


  1. Both of these artists I enjoy. The song didn't seem right for Crosby, but I think Henley was convincing.

    I vote for Don Henley.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. This is a tough one. I think I liked David Crosby just a hair better. Voting for David Crosby.

  3. HeyYa, MIKE ~
    I stopped by here last night and listened to both but couldn't make up my mind. So I needed to come by again today to re-listen.

    It's a pretty good song that I'd never heard before. I think I'm gonna vote for DAVID CROSBY because I could hear the lyrics a bit better, and also because I felt that guitar in Henley's version was a little too intrusive.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  4. Mike,

    This is a new-to-me song, too. I'm going with Don Henley. I prefer his vocals over his contender. Have a good day!

  5. This is a tough one because I could listen to both quite easily. I will have to give it to David Crosby that just seems to give it more soul and, perhaps, a melancholy feel to it. he gets my vote

  6. I liked Don Henley's version the best of all three. He gets my vote.

  7. I liked Don Henley's version best. I don't remember the song from the movie "Michael". I need to watch that movie again I guess.
    David Crosby's version was okay, but I really enjoyed Henley's. I met him once when he came through the radio station in Austin where I worked at the time. I wasn't impressed with his personality. He seemed a bit rude, frankly. But whatever. He sings good.

    Michele at Angels Bark
