Friday, August 31, 2018

Battle of the Bands: We have a winner for the Summertime Blues

Oh if I AJ only had one more vote I could be looking for two more versions of Summertime Blues stretching summer into September.  Brian Setzer wins a close one getting four votes to three. Now I have to think of something different. Well in the meantime we might as well celebrate the winner.

Here he is strutting around with that "Stray Cat Strut"

My battles create "One Rockin' Night"..

and with Jeff Beck..

Well until tomorrow  enjoy!


  1. That was indeed a close one. But both artists did a great job and it was a tough choice.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Darn it! My guy didn't win! If only I could vote twice!! Maybe I could dredge up a vote or two from a few dead relatives? hmmm

    Really close battle! Am glad that it has cooled off about 10 degrees here, but I'm not looking forward to winter.

    The Ultimate Dog v Cat Battle of the Bands Tournament, Championship Round
