Friday, April 13, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: M is for Midnight

As Wilson Pickett sings it is "The Midnight Hour" and I am wrapping up my second week  of the Blogging from A to Z 2018 Challenge. Well today's letter is M  and that fits well with Midnight.

Is Midnight moving on from Friday the 13th a spooky time? Is it strange that today marks a transition in the challenge as the month is entering the halfway mark? After all midnight marks a transition between one day and the next.

The movie Midnight from 1939 is called a screwball classic. What is a screwball classic? Anyone ever seen the movie? If so any good?

On Sunday I will have my monthly Battle of the Bands post which will relate to my very first A to Z post of 2018. I invite you to come back for that, visit and vote. Then of course there is the Monday's Music Moves ME post on Monday and the challenge continues with N.

Well I hope Midnight was nice! I am going to sleep a few winks and go right into a busy Saturday.


  1. Wikipedia says ( a screwball comedy is one where the lead female character is dominant over a masculinity-challenged man and there's a lot of "battle of the sexes" humor. Kind of like "Mr. Mom," I would guess. I haven't seen "Midnight," but I have seen "My Man Godfrey" with William Powell, and that was pretty good.

  2. Thanks for the Wilson Pickett styling of Midnight. Claudette Colbert appeared in many screwball comedies. This one looks like fun!

  3. Mike,

    I have not seen the vintage film, "Midnight" but the clip definitely has me interested now. Wilson Pickett, 'Midnight Hour' is an excellent mewsical classic. Thanks for visiting my iPad Art Sketch'M' is for my favorite Monster A2Z post on Friday, my friend. I'm playing catch up this morning after spending all weekend with DH. Have a good day and happy A2Zing!

  4. "Midnight Hour" hit the charts when I was in high school and just about all the local bands played a cover. Good song.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands

  5. This is one film..of many...that I have to see. I laugh about John Barrymore since he probably slept with half the people on the set over the Mary Astor.
