Sunday, April 15, 2018

Battle of the Bands: The Face of Appalachia

My Battle of the Bands post this month relate to my first post in my A to Z Challenge. So it relates to Appalachia but that's not all. It relates to a Christian artist, Little Feat, and Jimmy Buffett. Heck you can play the separation game all the way to Woodstock.

The song : Face of Appalachia by John Sebastian

Don't vote on the above one. That is where the song came from.

Contender One: Julie Miller

Contender Two: Valerie Carter

Vote in the comments for Julie or Valerie! I will the results soon.


  1. I've enjoyed John Sebastian's music for a very long time, but I don't remember this song at all.

    Julie's voice was a bit grating to my ears. Hands down on the basis of vocal, arrangement, instrumentation, and generally fuller sound my vote goes to Valerie Carter. It's so laid back and homey.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands

  2. Hi, MIKE. The two songs didn't sound much different to me, but I preferred VALERIE CARTER's voice, so please give my vote to her.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  3. Valerie Carter was much easier to listen to. She gets my vote. :)

  4. Mike,

    I'm not sure if I recall John Sebastian so I do not remember this song. Like the gang before me, I found better the two female artists covering 'The Face of Appalachia' that Contender #2 warmer vocally and pleasing to the ears. So, kindly give my vote to Valerie Carter. Nicely done!

    Today's post is a hodgepodge of posts with 4M, Sparks, A2Z, & BoTB. Have a tunetastic week and happy A2Zing, my friend!

    Curious as a Cathy
    iPad Art Sketch 'N' is for Naptime for Baby

  5. Julie Miller sounded like a twelve-year-old. I vote for Valerie Carter.

  6. Valerie wins for me because her voice is rich and has a great range where Julie's voice was pitchy and grating to me.
