Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: D is for Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O'Riordan was the lead singer for the Irish group The Cranberries. She passed away on January 15. I was going to do a tribute post on her in January and then again yesterday as the letter C but plans change.

I guess I let it "Linger"

The cause of her death hasn't been released. I thought I would share some of the music he leaves behind.

Here is a solo song called "Ordinary Day"...

"When Your Gone" by The Cranberries..

I will wrap up the music with "Zombie"

Were you aware Dolores had passed away? What was your favorite song by The Cranberries?
Well thanks for visiting and I will have a new post up soon!

1 comment:

  1. She died the same day as my mom. A great singer with a haunting voice...what a shame she passed away so young.
