Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: C is for Champions! The Villanova Wildcats

I was planning to blog about something different today for the A to Z Challenge. I was planning to watch the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship game last night. Those plans changed due to a family emergency. That my friends is called life. The curveballs that life tosses at bloggers during this challenge is perhaps the biggest obstacle to success in this challenge.

Last night the Michigan Wolverines were not a big enough obstacle for the Villanova Wildcats who had no trouble finding success! If the game was close I would have been more upset about missing the game.

Below is the game rewind in 10-minutes..

What a year for Philadelphia! First the Eagles won the Super Bowl and now the Wildcats win the NCAA Tournament. There were some wonderful Cinderella stories that busted up many brackets. However, in the end a number one seed prevailed.

How did Villanova get there? First they crushed Radford.

Radford don't feel bad. Villanova beat every team they played in the tournament by double digits.

Next the Wildcats destroyed Alabama...

Next up was the West Virginia Mountaineers...

Followed by an upstart Texas Tech team..

In the Final Four Kansas went down by 16...

Thanks for visiting and come back to see what I pick for D!


  1. Seeing as how Michigan beat my alma mater (Loyola University Chicago), I'm glad Villanova won, too.

  2. I don't really watch basketball (pro or college) but hubby was in a pool and won so I knew what was happening. Hope all is okay with you!

    Janet’s Smiles
