Tuesday, October 3, 2017

R.I.P Tom Petty

My bucket lists of artists I want to see keeps getting shorter without me getting to see the performer.  I became a fan of Tom Petty somewhere in the 80s.  Probably from "Damn the Torpedoes" to "Full Moon Fever" where my peak Tom Petty eras.

 However my favorite song was  later tune. A song of hope. Fitting for a week filled with news from Las Vegas, Petty passing and whatever might be going wrong.

                                                     "Something Good Coming"

He showed us "Even the Losers Get Lucky" and we are all losers now..


His music was done with a"Southern Accents"

Life is still "Jammin' Me"

I could go on and on. I might come back with a part two. Tom Petty will be missed.


  1. It's very sad that he passed away and quite the shock. This is a nice tribute and very fitting. Too many have passed away and all too young in my book

  2. I never saw Petty in concert, but I've listened to his music for many years. I've listened to his albums a lot.

    Tossing It Out
