Monday, October 2, 2017

R.I.P 59, 500 others I wish a speedy recovery

Entering some concert venues now days is almost like boarding a plane. Metal detectors, emptying your pockets, being patted down are all inconveniences  concert goers have to go through.  Look at the headlines in recent years about violent attacks and you can see why they are needed. Now this  latest attack from a hotel room near a venue ends up killing 59 and wounding 500.

59 people killed and 500 injured from one person. Shocking! A tragedy. Obviously my prayers and thoughts are with those killed or injured. It is also with their friends and family.  Does it concern me? Yes, it could be me, one of my friends or love ones being killed or injured.

Terrorist, crazy people, criminals pick your labels if you want. The labels don't change results. Don't heal the wounded or bring back the dead either.

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