Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday's Music Moves Me: Voice of the Wetlands

elcome to my rather late Monday's Music Moves Me post. I turned off the real world and went on a journey of three days of fantastic music, delicious food, and some other adventures. Alligators, fishing, and several hundred miles of driving.

Friday night I really wanted to see The Trio featuring the legendary bassist George Porter Jr with one of the best jazz drummers from New Orleans Johnny Vidacovich and guitarist Brian Stoltz.

They did not disappoint. The "Guitar Fight" that followed was a joy to watch. I discovered some new to me musicians like Jonathon Boogie Long. Here he is at the Montreal Jazz Festival in 2013..

Johnny Sansone also known as Jumpin' Johnny is a multi-skilled musician. Singer-Songwriter, guitarist, harmonica player, and accordion player. I really enjoy his songs. He was slanted to the side stage. He did join in with other artists such as Tab Benoit on the big stage. He played a set that rocked more and his energy level was on high.

Johnny with Tab Benoit and Mike Zito below..

Big Chief Monk Boudreaux and the Golden Eagles followed on the side stage..

Image may contain: 1 person, on stage, playing a musical instrument and night

Of course Tab Benoit..."Medicine"

I could go on and on. Tab headlined Saturday but he played the late night ramble on both Friday and Saturday. Joined many others such as Papa John Gros and Louisiana's LeRoux. The later also featured Jimmy Hall of Wet Willie fame.

Like I said Music was Turned on.


  1. Sounds like it was a great event. Some good music and excellent artists here.

  2. Mike,

    I'm not a concert goer but this venue sure had some sweet sounding tunes. So glad you got to enjoy some nice mewsic Friday night. Thanks for dancing with the 4M gals. Have a tunetastic week, my friend!

  3. You mentioned Jimmy Hall at the end. The one time I went to Chastain Park (in 30 years), he was playing with some band that wasn't Wet Willie, but I'm not seeing it anywhere on his bio... Have to drop him a line and see if he can tell me.

    Sounds like you had a great time!

  4. Sounds like a fun journey there Mike! You didn't say but I'm thinking that you were probably in Louisiana somewhere??
    Good stuff!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  5. Have to agree with the others here, sure sounds like it was a great event.

  6. What a getaway! There is some great food down in those parts.

    Tossing It Out
