Sunday, October 22, 2017

Monday's Music Moves Me: Vehicles

Monday's Music Moves Me is a fitting one for me. The theme is vehicles. Here I am last week I get in late Monday night for one trip and then Thursday I am on the road again. I am hoping to head home tomorrow.

Anyway songs about vehicles..

                                                      "Southern Cross" Crosby, Stills and Nash (boat)

                                              Prince "Little Red Corvette" (cars)


                                                   Jimmy Buffett "Big Rig" (Trucks)

Keeping this one short and sweet and I will be back soon!


  1. Way ta go dude!!! Lovein' your pickins'~!!! Never heard the Jimmy Buffet one, thanks for the introduction! You've rocked the house! WOO HOO!

  2. By the way, couldn't get your "Prince" tune to play! :(

  3. Hi Mike,
    I like how you did a song for each form of vehicle. I so love "Southern Cross"! Was nice to hear that today.
    I never heard Jimmy Buffet's "Big Rig". Great beat. Thanks for the introduction.
    I used Prince's "Little Red Corvette" too. That's a great song.

    So you're on the road again, eh? Your theme song this week should be Bob Seger's "Turn the Page"... :)

    Have a safe trip,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. love the songs you chose, couple of my favorites as well

  5. "Big Rig" was new to me, too. I never would have thought of "Southern Cross". Nothing wrong with short and sweet! Safe journeys to you.

  6. Great song choices! Thanks for sharing! :)
