Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monday;'s Music Moves Me: Autumn Edition

Robert Plant and Alison Krause "Killing the Blues"

The lyrics in the first verse capture the romance of the season.

But Fall is more than just leaves, sometimes there is the cold "November Rain"

Of course, "Ramble On" combines Autumn Leaves and Rain

Well I have a lot of travel planned this month, but I should be blogging before November but this is a great song..

Hope you enjoy and see you soon!


  1. Great picks using Robert Plant! Really liked his duet with Alison Krause and dug that version of Ramble On too.
    I love GNR's November Rain. Such a good song.
    I'll have to listen to Wyclef's Gone til November again though... At this point I'm going to rate it as "interesting"...
    It has a good chance of growing on me I'm listening to it again right now... :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Mike,

    You pulled together an interestingly different string of artists for this week's theme which I very much liked. Robert Planet and Alission Kraus do a beautiful job with "Killing the Blues" (another new-to-me song). Guns N' Roses "November Rain" is an excellent song and this comes from a gal who is NOT a heavy metal fan. I'm not familiar with Led Zeppelin mewsic except for what others share such as you. "Ramble On" is purrfect fit for the theme and naturally new-to-me. Another heavy metal band song I actually like. Thanks for the introduction of it! I've heard of Wyclef Jean but I'm not sure if I've listened to his mewsic before now. I read a little about him at Wikipedia picking up some interesting tidbits. Thanks for sharing. Here's to November just around the corner and I hope you have safe, good travels in the upcoming month, my friend. Blessings to you!

  3. Wonderful songs. Have safe travels between now and November . . . and always!

  4. Some unique choices here! A few I never would have considered...

  5. Love the Allison Krauss and Robert Plant song. It is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. You really did a good job picking songs for this theme. I thought about November Rain, but am actually using that song for my November BOTB. I've also got a fun battle lined up for next week as well.

  7. HA! And I thought everyone was going to have Autumn Leaves!!! bwahahahahaha Great tunes and I can't believe so many has choses the tune by Guns N' Roses!!! Fan-freakin-tastic!!! YOU ROCK GIRLFRIEND! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

  8. Darn, so sorry about the word (girlfriend) in my comment. I was in a hurry cuz hubby was waiting in the car for me. Unfortunately my hubby lost his job today :( So many things to do and hustle too! SO DEPRESSING!!!! Anyways... sorry again my MR. Friend!!! BIG HUGS!
