Sunday, April 16, 2017

Half Way Through the A to Z Challenge

Half way through the A to Z Challenge. How is it going for you? I've been good at keeping up with the writing part pretty well. I'm behind on my pageview/comments for visiting other blogs. However, I am not that far behind on it.

There have been a lot of changes this year to the A to Z Challenge. I completely understand the changes. However, what do you think about them? Like most things there are some pros and cons.

I've been using the facebook list for the days to find interesting blogs to visit. When I have time. I have posted a few posts in there. Again it has been when I have time, which has been at a premium this month.

Anyway if you are a usual reader of my blog, or a newcomer who has read a few of my posts do you have any recommendations for blogs for me to visit? Don't recommend your own, I will visit your site just for commenting, but play it forward. Whose blog do I need to see?

Well it is about time to start the second half. Are you ready?


  1. Mike, thanks for stopping by this morning. I'm not sure if you were looking for my BoTB and "M" post when you commented on today's "N" prompt or not but here's the direct link to Saturday's post...Art Sketching Through the Alphabet “M” (Mermaids)! Again, thanks for visiting!

  2. I've been terrible about hopping this year. I'm visiting all my usual blogs, but I haven't been looking for new ones this time out. (I got slammed with starting a new blog just for the challenge.)

    But from my usual bloggers, Darla Sands has been showcasing various bands and making up fictional band names:

    Tamara Narayan has been showcasing conspiracy theories:

    And Patricia Lynne has been showcasing feelings via strange or made up words:

    (I have no idea if you already follow any of these bloggers.)
