Saturday, April 15, 2017

A to Z: Maybellene Battle of the Bands

Today's A to Z letter is M which fits nicely for music! Speaking of music it is time for the Battles of the Band! 

It is a simple game to play. I pick a song and then I pick to covers. You tell me which one you like the best. I count them up and tell you the results in another post. The post will be on Sunday, April 24. If you like the game check out the other players here.

Chuck Berry recently passed away so it is fitting he would show up in a Battle of the Bands. Besides being one of the first rock songs "Maybellene" the song also starts with a M fitting in perfectly with the A to Z theme.

Here is Chuck's version. It is for your reference and entertainment. Please don't vote for it.

Vote for one of the contenders below!

Contender One: Marty Robbins

The co-founder of the Battle of the Bands had  a battle not to long ago featuring Marty Robbins against Marty Robbins. I'm not going to do that with this battle, but chalk up another M to this post.

Contender Two: Gene Vincent

Which one gets your vote? Marty of Gene? Please vote in the comments. Pretty good music post featuring three legendary artists. 


  1. This is a kind of tough choice for me as both versions add a tasty dish to the musical buffet.

    Gene Vincent sure bops and rocks with the swinging band behind him. Excellent vintage Vincent. However my ears keep taking me back to Marty's steady rocking with a bit of a country touch. I'm voting for Marty Robbins in this round.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Great song by one of the greatest and most influential artists in Rock 'N' Roll history. (I got a chance to meet Chuck Berry once in the late 1970s and he was super-cool!)

    FUN FACT: The title of this song was actually based on the name of a cow Chuck Berry knew of. Ha!

    Terrific Battle, MIKE!

    Man, MARTY ROBBINS was really rockin' it, and I never would have guessed that was him if I'd just heard the song on the radio. And to my great surprise, I'm gonna vote for MARTY because I slightly preferred his vocals. Both recordings are good though and I liked this match-up.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Both very good renditions, but I preferred Marty Robbins.
    Wonderful way to honor Chuck Berry!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits

  4. I'm going with Marty as well. The sound wasn't as muddy and I like the guitar work in it.

  5. They are both great and honour Chuck Berry's style. I have to go with Marty because he made it slightly more his own but still in keeping with Chuck Berry. I love Marty so he gets my vote

  6. Mike,

    What a fun battle! I'm going against the grain by giving my vote to Gene Vincent. His cover just suited my ears this morning. You will find my mid-month BoTB in my Saturday post, Art Sketching Through the Alphabet “M” (Mermaids), so if you get a chance stop by to weigh in! Happy a2zing!!
