Sunday, April 9, 2017

Battle of the Bands Results: The Winner is me!

The results of my Battle of the Bands battle for April 1 are in and the winner is me! No my readers didn't vote me in as the winner as an April Fools prank. Trust me my version of "Amazing Grace" would sound more like fingers scratching down a chalk board than Charlotte Church or Celtic Woman.

No, I say I won because I had a new voter. Thanks Jz! I also say I won because the results came in as a tie. Sure, I could vote but I don't. My readers determine the results not me. I also win because I get to celebrate both groups.

so lets start . . .

Charlotte Church "Dream a Dream"

Celtic Woman "The Call"

Keeping it short on the celebration since there is a lot of blogging to do. Join me on the 15th for another Battle of the bands. Will it be a tie, shutout, close, or a blowout? Come vote and help to decide.

I will be back tomorrow with another A to Z post!

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