Monday, April 10, 2017

A to Z: Hemingway

Hemingway is my favorite classic author. I thought I had read all of his works but while checking things out I discovered there are a few I have missed. I hope they are good.

My two favorite Earnest Hemingway books are similar yet different. My favorite is "The Old Man and the Sea."


My second  favorite...

"Islands in the Stream" is more of deep track pick, However, it is more of that Tropical Adventure that I am drawn to like Benchley, Bob Morris and others.

Again doing this blog I found there is a movie version of the book, is it any good?

Not only has Hemingway influence authors I like he has influenced artists like Guy Harvey..

What is your favorite Earnest Hemingway book?


  1. Mike, I admit I have never read Hemmingway. I have seen a couple of movies. I think I'll put Islands on my to read list.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. I like Hemingway. I read the Reader's Digest condensed version of Islands in the Stream many years ago, but I can't recall having seen the movie. My favorite Hemingway novel is Farewell to Arms--read that a few times and saw all the movie versions as well.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. I've only read a few by Hemingway.

    1. The Sun Also Rises
    2. The Old Man and the Sea

    I've read a couple of his short story collections too.
