Friday, April 21, 2017

A to Z Change: Robert Smith's Birthday

It is R day on the challenge. R is for Robert, like Robert Smith of The Cure who turns 57.

R day lands on a Friday so this song is a perfect way to start our birthday celebration..

It's "Just Like Heaven"...

"Pictures of You"...

"Close to me"...

That should be a good way to spend your Friday with some great hits from the 80s and 90s.

Happy Birthday Robert Smith!


  1. I loved Robert Smith & The Cure, I would not have survived high school without them. I think I bought every one of their albums on CD, including the live stuff and rarities. When Robert Smith saved the world on South Park it was like a holiday for me (I felt like the only kid in my HS that knew "Disintegration is the best album ever!")

    After Bloodflowers was released (an amazing album, btw) I lost track of them. Thanks for reminding me what a unique and amazing band they were. Happy bday, Robert!

  2. An appropriate birthday for me to consider since I used a Cure song in my last Battle. I've listened many hours to their music.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
