Saturday, April 22, 2017

A to Z Challenge: Snakes

I live in Florida so snakes are common. You can run into snakes almost anywhere. This snake decided to join us in the Church yard for Easter..

Image may contain: plant and outdoor

It was a non-venomous snake. The snake was treated properly, everyone was able to get a good look and then everyone left the snake alone.

My daughter last held a snake about two years ago. This Spring she was able to hold a few more at our trip to Alligator Alley.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, shoes, child, tree, grass, outdoor and nature

They even let me hold the snake...

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature

This snake was a tickler...

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, shoes, tree, grass, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Notice the smiles on her face. My daughter has been able to hold alligators, birds, kangaroos, monkeys, snakes, and even fed a baby tiger. I've been lucky enough to fill her life with adventures and still hope to add a few more adventures into her life.

My wife is not a fan of snakes. Two years ago, I had someone comment that wrapping a big snake around a  young child wasn't a good idea, that the snake was stronger than I thought and could squeeze at anytime. Yes there is some risk to it. Even if a smaller snake decided to bite it would upset my daughter, which would surely earn me an earful from my lovely wife and her Irish temper. So yes there is risk. However, look at the smiles!

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

I win she is happy, she is learning to respect snakes (and other animals), she is making memories and having adventures. As for me I'm spending quality time with my daughter.


  1. Oh, my gosh! There are no smiles on grandma's face. But I'm glad sh gets to know them in q safe environment.

  2. I'm surprised she can stand up with that big snake draped over her--those things are heavy!

    I have mixed feelings about snakes. I did come to enjoy holding a friend's pet snake when she lived with me for a time. I definitely enjoyed feeding time, which totally grossed out my friend :D
    The Ninja Librarian’s Favorite Characters

  3. No way, no how! But that's just me. What happens when my son and husband are off adventuring together I try not to think about :)

  4. Cool. I could not handle a snake, but I respect those that do.

  5. Snakes are fine if they are far away from me. I have a healthy respect for them - just don't want them near me. If you want to see a 63-year-old lady climb a tree really fast, that would be me...I've always been fascinated with the big snakes but would never live in an area where they are from.

    I don't mind rattlesnakes, probably because I am used to them.

  6. Ewwww...I am sorry....creepy crawly things freak me out.
    It needs some guts to told those

    A Peice Of My Life

  7. That first that a rat snake?? It looks like the snake I found in my garden years ago...that is a story
