Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pearl Harbor: 75 Years Ago Today

75 years ago a horrific event happened. An event that should never be forgotten and an event I am sure most wished never happened.

Below a survivor tells his story....

A look inside...

I hope we never have another Pearl Harbor. History has proven we are not immune to future tragedies such as 9/11 or the Orlando club to name just a couple of examples.


  1. Hopefully more survivors recorded their recollections as they're dying off.

  2. I saw on the news where many of the vets who where there and still alive went back to Pearl Harbor for the anniversary. Most of them have never been back since that incident. I got very emotional just from the commercial where it showed a few of them with heads down and them crying. Heart breaking!
    The tragedies are uncalled for. Why do people have to literally die to get a point across?
