Thursday, December 8, 2016

Battle of the Bands Results: Sometimes what is on those music show isn't very good

The results are in for December 1 Battle of the Bands and there is no surprise. It was a shutout in favor of  Lynsey Cawthra.  If I voted on my own Battles she would have had my vote. I liked her acoustic guitar arrangement and for me she turned the song into something different, her own.

Your votes also sowed that everything on those music shows is not very good.

Anyway the spotlight goes on the winner and here is an original song called "Best Thing"

and "Compassionate Soul"

She does have quite a few covers out there. I will back in a week with a new Battle of the Bands. In between I will have a few more posts so stay tuned.


  1. Very little of what's on those music shows is any good, actually.

  2. Not too much of a surprise I think, but you never know what can happen in these Battles so they are almost always worth trying.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Well, I sure predicted this outcome, didn't I? Now if only I could predict lottery numbers equally well.

    ~ D-FensDogG
