Sunday, September 11, 2016

9.11 15 years later

I try to blog about 9.11, the events that happened on September 11, 2001, and what has become known as Patriot Day. It is one of the worse things to happen in my country during my lifetime. I don't think it is something that should be forgotten.

My 9.11 experience could have been a lot different. I was suppose to be at work that day less than 2 miles from where the plane hit the Pentagon. Instead I was at my apartment about halfway between where the airplane at the Pentagon hit (72 miles away) and the Pennsylvania crash (100 miles away).
So, yes if I had been at work it would have been different with a plane crashing less than 2 miles away from me.

I was having car problems and was looking for a replacement car so I had scheduled the time off. A curse at the time I'm sure, but as it turned out a blessing as well.

In my opinion the biggest positive from the tragic event was how the country came together. Now it feels like we are so divided. Some of that could be due to the upcoming election. I hope we become more united.

The events did put the fireman, police, and first responders in the spotlight. Especially in New York. They deserved it. They worked hard and they were heroes. Like I said I remember 9.11 and I'm not planning to forget it.


  1. The sense of being united was pretty short-lived looking back, but it was great while it lasted. I do hope things get better after this election. We're in a really bad place these days from the standpoint of the country trying to work together. Still we manage and life goes on.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I've often wondered how many had a story like yours. They should have been there, but for one reason or another, they weren't.
