Thursday, September 8, 2016

50 Years of Star Trek

My blog sometimes resembles Star Trek. On a long mission, to explore strange new corners of the blogosphere, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no blogger has gone before or something like that.

Anyway 50 years ago Star Trek first aired. 50 years later I am still going to see their movies.

I don't know if I would call myself a "trekkie" but it was a show I enjoyed watching when I was a kid. I have watched most of the movies,  I think.

How about you are you a "Trekkie"? Do you have a favorite episode? Like always feel free to share in the comments.

The opening of the first show..

I'll be back soon with a new post. Phasers are on, be careful out there, I think I am being beamed out into the blogosphere.


  1. Semi-trekkie. I enjoy the more recent shows (never watched the original). I've seen several of the movies. But I'd lose any trivia competition.

  2. I love Star Trek and am so glad it is getting so much love. My favourite episodes are Balance of Terror which I think is brilliant. I love the Tribble one and the one where they introduce Spock's parents. I also love the one written by Harlan Ellison where Spock and Kirk go back in time to find McCoy.
