Thursday, July 21, 2016

New Riders Purple Sage: Now a Two Time Winner

Well the New Riders of the Purple Sage won my Battle of the Bands again. They won last year and if you dig their music you can revisit that post here. They beat the Cowboy Junkies 5 to 3.

The first time NRPS won was with this song..

"I Don't Know You"


Thanks for playing and I will have a new battle on August 1st! Thanks for dropping in!


  1. The Riders have a fun sound that perks the ears better for most listeners I think. Cowboy Junkies are more like mood music--depressed mood. It has its time and place, but put side by side the Riders are hard to resist. Nice try though.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I'm losing a lot of my battles this time. Oh well, it's all for fun.
    Hope to be an inspiration for further ideas. ;)
