Saturday, July 16, 2016

Latest Milestone: 100,000 pageviews

Somewhere between last night and early this morning my blog went over the 100,000 pageview mark.

Neat how that follows a celebration of two years of participating in the Battle of the Bands bloghop thing. Constants are getting harder to find in my writing life.

I don't know where this blog is going. At this point the blog has outlived whatever purpose or design it had. I thank my viewers for stopping in.

This post is becoming more of a eulogy. The blog is not coming to an end. It is just starting another chapter. I hope you stick around and come discover what's next as the blog moves forward.


  1. Congrats. Anyone whose blog has lasted longer than a year has found that the blog's initial plan has gone out the window. Life works like that, I guess.

  2. I think a blog reinvention is perfectly normal. We as humans evolve over the course of our lives, so it's only natural that blogs, which are an extension of ourselves, do the same. Congrats on the views and good luck in the next chapter!
