Friday, July 15, 2016

Battle of the Bands: The Song Remains the Same

Perhaps my anniversary post is a fitting time to tip my hat to Far Away Eyes (FAE). She started this with Stephen and is credited for having the first Battle of the Bands. She's moved on, she's missed, and the Battles continue. Interestingly, she left the first comment on my first Battle of the Bands. However, as I reflect back to where I started with the Battle of the Bands she deserves at least a Thank You!

My first Battle of the Bands was two year ago, you can see it here. Jeffrey Scott started my wheels turning on what to do to mark my two year anniversary with one of his questions he adds to his Battles. I think only one of my contenders got a vote and the rest went for the original.

I started with "Dead Flowers"by the Rolling Stones. My original thought was to just redo the Battle. But that Battle had it's season. I'm looking back but moving forward as well. So the contenders have changed but the song remains the same.

Contender One:  The Cowboy Junkies

Contender Two: The New Riders of the Purple Sage

Not putting the original on this one. Vote in the comments and I'll announce the winner around the 21st. Also please visit the other Battles a list can be found here! Tune in again on the 1st and I will have a brand new battle!


  1. MIKE, congratulations on your 2-year anniversary.

    I've always wanted to like the Cowboy Junkies, because I do enjoy their style, but I just can't really dig 'em. They always wind up boring me to death because they think every tune must be played at the exact same tempo and with the same sort of instrumental subtlety.

    I'll vote for the LIVELIER version of DEAD FLOWERS.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  2. Happy Anniversary Mike! What a great way to celebrate.

    I think the Cowboy Junkies had just a bit too much twang in the song for me to truly enjoy them. I'm going to give my vote to The New Riders of the Purple Sage.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  3. The Cowboy Junkies version dragged and seemed to go on forever. The NRPS version was much livelier and I liked the sound better, so they get my vote.

  4. I like the Cowboy Junkies because it sounded more folksy than country plus I liked her voice and the mandolin. They get my vote

  5. I feel the same as McCarthy about this. I even own a couple of Cowboy Junkies albums but they only attract me at certain times. Right now I'm feeling in a New Riders of the Purple Sage sort of mood and that's who I'm voting for.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  6. Mike, I'm giving my vote to The Cowboy Junkies. I liked their slower version better and generally I preferred their vocals. Cool idea to go back to repeat a battle song with different artists!

  7. Happy Anniversary Mike! Congrats.

    As for your battle, I like the upbeat version by the New Riders of the Purple Sage. The Cowboy Junkies version had great vocals but it was way too slow for my taste. So please give my vote to the New Riders.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  8. Though it was harder for me to understand the lyrics in the song, I still preferred the Cowboy Junkies over the other band.
    I'm glad I was able to be an inspiration to some degree. :)
