Saturday, April 23, 2016

A to Z Challenge: T is for Turtles

I am  working today so I ran into some turtles at work so they will be the topic of my blog.

When I was a young kid I caught a large snapping turtle while fishing behind my parents house. I ran all the way home to get my older brother to help me get the hook out of the turtles mouth. Even as I kid I knew it was much better to have my brother's hands close to the turtles mouth than my hands.

I have since caught a few turtles by accidents. I try not to catch them but in freshwater they do eat the same things as fish.

There is your turtle tale of the day and I will leave you with a movie tease...


  1. There was a guy in basic training who knew all about turtles. He was from Louisiana. Me - not so much a turtle expert.

  2. Snapping turtle can do fingers serious damage! My son loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when he was a child.
    Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

  3. Thank goodness for older brothers! :)

    Visiting from A to Z,
    Yvonne V

  4. Aren't turtles so fun to watch? I have to avoid them in the road sometimes!

  5. I love turtles. I would love to have a little one, the kind that don't get bigger than a sand dollar, and I'd call him Big Guy. I swam with some fascinating sea turtles in the US Virgin Islands. It was such a cool experience.

  6. Love turtles! We have a lake nearby where I look for them in the summer to photograph. they love to sun themselves until they hear us and then they all dive into the water. My husband has talked often about the snapping turtles and how dangerous they are. Thanks for stopping by my A to Z blog:
