Friday, April 22, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: Sunsets

I love the sunsets into the Gulf of Mexico. First one has some scenery. The second one just beach.

Below is one from one of my favorite spots..

I will leave you with this one..


  1. Those are amazing sunsets. I like taking sun rises. Mostly because, where I live, it's easier to catch the sun rising over Lake Michigan in the morning than seeing the sun set anywhere else.

  2. You got some great shots. Something about the sun on the water is very striking.

  3. What beautiful pics! I, too, love sunsets.

  4. fabulous photos! I love sunsets.
    Where in the Gulf were these taken? Beautiful.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  5. Beautiful pictures! Honestly I can't get enough of gorgeous sunsets or sunrises! They are all so special.

  6. Oh my word!!
    Big fan of sunsets :-)
    Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pictures!
